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- Karriere
11 December 2017
NTT Communications strengthens its DDoS Protection Services with new detection solution
Global IP Network customers can choose the level of mitigation support that best fits their cyber security strategy
New York – 12 December 2017 – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the global data and IP services arm of Fortune Global 500 telecom leader NTT (TYO: 9432), announced that it is expanding its Distributed Denial of Service Protection Services (DPS) with the addition of DPS Detect. This new solution can help customers detect potential attacks directed to their networks and initiate mitigations faster.
DDoS attacks can strike at any time, potentially crippling network infrastructure and severely degrading the performance and reachability of a website or other IP-accessible assets. The expanded DPS suite of services will enable Global IP Network customers around the world to easily customize the level of service and assistance that best fits their needs.
“Network security is one of the top priorities for our company,” said Michael Wheeler, executive vice president of the NTT Communications Global IP Network at NTT America. “As DDoS attacks continue to grow in frequency, size and complexity, it is important to give our Global IP Network customers more solution options and the opportunity to choose the level of support they need.”
NTT Com’s DPS product suite was first expanded in February 2017 with the launch of DPS Control and DPS Core. DPS Control is an entry-level tier of service that provides support on access control lists (ACL) and is intended for customers that don’t require full mitigation assistance. Using the service, a customer can define permanent ACLs which are deployed on its NTT Com interface(s) to block a network from certain types of traffic as defined by the customer.
In turn, DPS Core is an enhanced level of service beyond DPS Control for customers that require full DDoS mitigation support. DPS Core is supported by NTT Com’s Network Security Team, the same expert team responsible for keeping the company’s tier-1 Global IP Network (AS2914) infrastructure safe and secure.
The new DPS Detect solution option provides an advanced level of service above DPS Core as it adds detection capabilities to help identify potential attacks using state-of-the-art technology while working with customer-defined thresholds. Subscribers to DPS Detect also have access to the Network Security team and enjoy exclusive use of the company’s DPS Portal, a platform where they can request or self-initiate mitigations based upon a DDoS detection alert, review past mitigation reports, and request configuration changes.
NTT Com’s complete suite of proactive DDoS attack solutions, that also includes blackholing capabilities and access control lists, are designed to support multi-threat security environments on a single best-in-breed platform, with sufficient capacity to combat large-scale attacks.
About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching over 190 countries/regions, and over 140 secure data centers worldwide. NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
About NTT Communications Global IP Network
Consistently ranked among the top networks worldwide, NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network covers North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and provides the best possible environment for content, data and video transport through a single autonomous system number (AS 2914). NTT Com is one of the top global wholesale IP providers according to the latest Dyn Wholesale Rankings.
More information in US and the Americas: www.gin.ntt.net
Twitter @GinNTTnet @GinNTTnet_Latam and @GinNTTnet_Br #globalipnetwork #AS2914
Europe, Middle East and Africa: www.eu.ntt.com | Twitter @NTT Europe
Asia and Oceania: www.ntt.com | Twitter @NTTCom
Media Contact
Fernando Costantino
Global IP Network
NTT Communications | NTT America