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13 May 2015
Türk Telekom International selects NTT Communications for strategic IP transit service partnership
This Collaboration Underscores Both Companies’ Commitment to Network Quality and Improved Regional Access
London, UK, and Istanbul, Turkey – May 13, 2015 – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the global data and IP services arm of Fortune Global 500 telecom leader NTT (NYSE: NTT), announced today that it has been selected by Türk Telekom International (TTI), a leading telecommunication operator in the CEE region, Turkey, Caucasus and Middle East, to supply wholesale IP transit services to support growing demand for TTI’s full range of Internet/data, infrastructure and wholesale services across its service area.
“We are excited to partner with TTI and help them exceed their customers’ expectations to deliver cost-effective, reliable and flexible telecommunication solutions,” said Clive Hamilton, vice president of Network Services – EMEA at NTT Europe. “NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network offers the technical capabilities and global reach required to support TTI’s extensive portfolio of services.” Hamilton continued, “NTT Com is a trusted partner that can quickly respond to growth in its customers’ demand for high performance wholesale IP capacity without compromising quality.”
“We are committed to make Turkey a major hub for data and voice exchange and invest in new markets to extend our customers’ regional and global reach,” expressed Cengiz Öztelcan, CEO of Türk Telekom International. “This partnership with NTT Communications brings together two leading, well-respected companies in the industry, resulting in high quality services that will reflect positively on all parties involved,” Öztelcan added.
NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network is consistently ranked among the top networks worldwide. In 2014 NTT Com established new connection points to its global IP backbone in Europe, Asia and North America. The company was named Best Global Wholesale Carrier (data) and Best North American Wholesale Carrier at the Global Carrier Awards 2014. NTT Com continues to rank as one of the leading global wholesale IP providers in the latest Dyn (formerly Renesys) Global Wholesale Rankings for the third year running.
TTI was named Best Central and Eastern European Wholesale Carrier and won the trophy for the Best Middle Eastern Project at the same awards at the end of last year. The recognition was granted for its innovative and visionary development strategy as well as for its outstanding performance throughout the Central & East European and Middle Eastern wholesale telecoms marketplace.
About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching over 196 countries/regions, and 130 secure data centers worldwide. NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
About NTT Communications Global IP Network
Consistently ranked among the top networks worldwide, NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network covers North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and provides the best possible environment for data and video transport through a single autonomous system number (AS 2914). NTT Com is one of the top two global wholesale IP providers and the number one provider in Asia according to the Dyn (formerly Renesys) 2014 Wholesale Rankings. The company was named Best Global Wholesale Carrier at the Global Capacity Awards 2014.
For more information and updates in Europe, Middle East and Africa: www.eu.ntt.com | Twitter@NTT Europe.
In the US and the Americas: www.us.ntt.net | Twitter@NTT_America | Facebook@NTT America | LinkedIn@NTT America.
In Asia and Oceania: www.ntt.com | Twitter@NTT Com| Facebook@NTT Communications | LinkedIn@NTT Communications.
NTT Communications Media Contact
Fernando Costantino
Global IP Network
NTT Communications | NTT America
About Türk Telekom International
Türk Telekom International is 100% owned by Türk Telekom and acts as its international business unit handling all international data and wholesale voice business functions. Türk Telekom International provides single account management and unified network operations over the entire Türk Telekom International network which includes 20 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, Middle East and the Caucasus, covering a full range of Internet/data services, infrastructure and wholesale voice services to incumbents, alternative carriers, mobile operators, cable TV companies, Internet service providers and corporate customers.
Türk Telekom International offers premium quality telecommunication solutions in the form of: guaranteed SLA-s, local experts, dedicated staff, centralized end-to-end network management, trustworthy and reliable attitude, delivering on commitments, on-time delivery, tailor-made, scalable and cost-effective technical solutions and a proven management team with a full service portfolio. Covering over 40,000 km of fiber optic network and more than 150 interconnections worldwide TTI is one of the most important players for the global telecommunications industry. http://www.turktelekomint.com
Türk Telekom International Media Contact
Edina Rozsahegyi (Head of Marketing Communications)
Mobile:+36 20 983 4425
Email: edina.rozsahegyi@turktelekomint.com
Web: http://www.turktelekomint.com