
36MW of critical IT load on our 126MW Hillsboro data center campus

Hillsboro, Oregon is located in the heart of the Pacific Northwest technology hub. Hillsboro HI1, the first of five data centers on our 126MW campus, offers 36MW of critical IT load, 138,000ft² of data floor space, and is Cleaner Air Oregon certified. From cabinets and customizable cages to private suites and dedicated vaults, our experienced, in-house team of experts will design and deploy a solution for you that balances your IT infrastructure requirements with your space.



Americas Hillsboro 1280x800

Why Hillsboro

Hillsboro, Oregon is home to one of the strongest network points in the Pacific Northwest, including one of the most advanced and comprehensive trans-Pacific fiber networks in the USA with low-latency access to Asia Pacific. It also offers comprehensive local connectivity and has more favorable tax incentives than states such as California or Washington.

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